appreciation, Community, dignity, MIlitary, Post Traumatic Stress, PTSD, Relationships, Support27th July 2014<27th July 2014 A New Family by Paul Chapman Ordinarily, I’m not a fan of groups. The experiences I’d had with them when I was younger were distasteful, to say the least, and…
communication, Creativity, dignity, Expressiveness, Persuasion, Self esteem, Self expression, Self-awareness16th July 2014<16th July 2014 Dress to Express by Paul Chapman I used to see a man strolling along the sidewalks of the business district. He was a very distinguished looking man who always wore…
Art, communication, Creative Writing, Expressiveness, Language12th July 2014<12th July 2014 Integrity by Paul Chapman The Oxford Online Dictionary gives two definitions of ‘Integrity’: first, the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; second, the state of…
communication, dignity, Expressiveness, Language, Listening, Relationships7th July 2014<7th July 2014 Is This What We Want? by Paul Chapman I’ve been corresponding with a woman who has been in prison since the early 1990’s. We had been remarking on how the things we’d…