appreciation, Community, Expressiveness, Support30th December 2014<28th December 2014 The Class of 2014 by Paul Chapman We now have reached, to the surprise of some of us, the end of 2014, and we prepare to ‘graduate’ into the New Year. …
Uncategorized28th December 2014<23rd December 2014 Excerpt Reading by Paul Chapman I am happy to present for your entertainment this reading of an excerpt from my book, ‘The Inn of Souls’ on YouTube. I hope…
Uncategorized23rd December 2014<23rd December 2014 New Posting, Part Two by Paul Chapman There were evidently some problems with my previous posting of this message, partly due to my changing URLs for my page. I am pleased…
Uncategorized23rd December 2014<23rd December 2014 Change of Website Address by Paul Chapman I just want to let you all know that the URL for my website ( is now
communication, Creativity, Duality, Expressiveness, Listening, Support9th December 2014<9th December 2014 A Balancing Act by Paul Chapman How empathetic can you be without sacrificing objectivity? How sympathetic can you be and still be helpful? The Oxford Online Dictionary defines empathy as…