appreciation, communication, Community, Opinion, Self expression, Support25th May 2016<24th May 2016 This Is How It Can Be by Paul Chapman It’s easy to forget about the good, kind things that take place in the world, especially on the Internet. I know that sounds rather…
Art, communication, Creative Writing, Expressiveness, Language, Literature, Poetry21st May 2016<21st May 2016 Who Can Look Upon This Face? by Paul Chapman Here is a brief glimpse into my poetic past. This poem was written in 2009 Who can look upon this face Who can look…
appreciation, Opinion, Post Traumatic Stress, PTSD, Support14th May 2016<14th May 2019 This is How It Isn’t by Paul Chapman This is Mental Health/Mental Illness Awareness month, and I have a new friend on Facebook, a young lady who has led a very difficult…