Creativity, dignity, Expressiveness, Freedom, Humour, Relationships, Self esteem, Self expression, Self-awareness, supportive environments18th September 2014<18th September 2014 A Child Shall Lead Them by Paul Chapman The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. John Milton With the publicity…
communication, Community, dignity, Expressiveness, Listening, Post Traumatic Stress, PTSD, Relationships, Self esteem, Self expression, Self-awareness, Support, supportive environments12th September 2014<12th September 2014 HELP is not spelt H-U-R-T by Paul Chapman September is Suicide Awareness Month, and many groups and organizations have increased their public visibility in order to discuss this very serious subject. Suicide…
Community, Expressiveness, Freedom, Horror, Post Traumatic Stress, PTSD, Self esteem, Self expression, Self-awareness, Support, supportive environments5th September 2014<5th September 2014 Ring the Bell II by Paul Chapman For the past week, I have wanted to write an article about self-definition—how we see and understand who we are. I can define myself…