12th September 2014<12th September 2014 HELP is not spelt H-U-R-T by Paul Chapman September is Suicide Awareness Month, and many groups and organizations have increased their public visibility in order to discuss this very serious subject. Suicide…
5th September 2014<5th September 2014 Ring the Bell II by Paul Chapman For the past week, I have wanted to write an article about self-definition—how we see and understand who we are. I can define myself…
19th August 2014<19th August 2014 Am I My Brother’s Keeper? by Paul Chapman Last week’s news of the suicide of Robin Williams was an unpleasant shock to many people throughout the world. It was an unwelcomed reminder…
16th August 2014<16th August 2014 Living with Ghosts by Paul Chapman During the last week, I’ve been struggling with memories rooted in a catastrophic event (a fire) that took place in 2011; troubles compounded by…
27th July 2014<27th July 2014 A New Family by Paul Chapman Ordinarily, I’m not a fan of groups. The experiences I’d had with them when I was younger were distasteful, to say the least, and…
23rd March 2014<23rd March 2014 Send the Marines by Paul Chapman Before I relocated to American Siberia, I used to frequent a cigar lounge, not surprisingly located inside a large cigar store, in the East….